4. School Manual: School Operations

At Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School, a daily routine is essential to the efficient operation of the school. Information below applies to all students. The daily hostel routine for boarding students is published in Section 3 of the School Manual.

4.1 Timetable

Farrer operates on a two-week timetable with 50 minute periods each day, Monday to Friday. Each day begins with 20 minutes reading time, during which time rolls are marked, and student notices are made. School begins at 8.50am and concludes at 3.15pm, as per the daily timetable.

Students, and their parents, can access their individual timetable via the Millennium Portal

4.2 Student Notices

Student Notices are read to students during roll call, and are also visible in Millennium. Students are expected to pay attention to student notices as they may include changes to the days' organisation, lost & found property, and event or sports information.

4.3 Library Use

The library is a modern flexible teaching and learning environment that is used both during the school day and after school hours. The library features books that are chosen specifically to appeal to teenage boys, with a wide selection of magazines as well.  Whether studying in one of our ‘Happy Days Booths’ or relaxing and reading a book in the bean bags, our library caters for both the academic and recreational needs of our students.

The library encourages reading through participation in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and the Literati Cup as well as hosting a monthly Book Club Meeting.

Library staff are happy to help students find resources and complete homework or assist students with printing, binding or laminating. The library is available for students at the following times;

Day Morning/Day Afternoon/Evening
Monday 8:00am - 5:00pm 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 5:00pm 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 5:00pm 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 3:30pm
1:30pm - 4:30pm
1:30pm - 5:00pm

4.4 Lockers

A number of sturdy lockers are available for hire to students in the day school. An annual fee of $20.00 is charged. Students must provide their own padlocks (available at the Canteen). Lockers are made available each year from the start of the second week.

4.5 Homework

Our Homework policy sets out the expectations regarding homework.

4.6 Travel to and from School

Information regarding travel, including concessions and travel passes, is published under Transport. In addition, specific rules apply for students seeking  permission to drive to and from school

4.7 Swimming Pool

The swimming pool is operated in accordance with the Schools Sports Unit Swimming & Water Safety guidelines.

The swimming pool is usually open during Terms 1 and 4. Students are not permitted to enter the pool grounds without a supervisor in attendance. Students should shower before entering the pool. 

4.8 Emergency Evacuation & Lockdown Procedures

In the event of an emergency evacuation or lockdown students will be alerted by a PA system announcement and/or by school staff.  Students must immediately and calmly follow directions from staff and comply with the applicable Emergency Procedures which are posted in all rooms.

Staff, Visitors, Volunteers and Contractors signed in via Passtab will be alerted by SMS message.

4.9 Assessment Policies

Policies regarding the completion of Assessments including missed assessments due to leave, illness, accident or misadventure are covered in the Assessment policy.

Last reviewed August 2024 (4.9 added)

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