3.3 Boarders Preparation (Prep)

All boarding students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have Prep each weeknight from Monday to Thursday. Boarding Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 must undertake a minimum of 8 hours Prep time each week. During this time, student’s complete homework, projects and assignments as well as undertaking an individual study program.

In order to gain the maximum benefit from Prep, which includes homework, revision, spelling, writing practise and assignment work; students must ensure the following:

  • Come prepared with enough work for each session.
  • Bring their homework diary with them.
  • Bring all necessary equipment.
  • Plan, work and help others so that everyone benefits from prep time.

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have their Prep designated into the following areas:

The students in Year 7 spend one hour in the first half of Prep time in their dorm each week which is followed by a Sport and Rec activity for the second half of Prep. The other three nights of the week in Tutorials with a staff member coordinating a group of around 20 students.

The students in Year 8 have one hour in the first half of Prep time in their dorm each week which is followed by a Sport and Rec activity for the second half of Prep. They spend one night in the SMC where the year group is supervised by a staff member. The other two nights are spent in Tutorials with a staff member coordinating a group of around 20 students.

The students in Year 9 have one hour in the first half of Prep time in their dorm each week which is followed by a Sport and Rec activity for the second half of Prep. They spend one night in the SMC where the year group is supervised by a staff member. The other two nights are spent in Tutorials with a staff member coordinating a group of around 20 students.

3.3.1 Structure of the Prep Time:

When all students in Years 7, 8 and 9 arrive at Prep they complete 15 minutes reading. The students then present their 'Have to Do' and 'Need to Do' items (this is a document that has all the homework and assessment activities listed for students) to the staff member to be documented for what they need to complete for that evening. Parents can see this information through the Millennium Portal.

Students then undertake the 'Stay in Touch' process (this is a Study technique where students spend a few minutes touching base with each of their subjects in regard to content and assessments) for all of their courses. Students then complete the requirements they have for that evening.

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 can complete Prep Hours in the mornings in the library, in the afternoon in the library, at night during prep time or on the weekends when organised with the duty master. During Prep time students undertake individual study in their dorm. If students wish to study in groups, this is undertaken in the Library. This structure allows the schools to provide multiple Senior Tutorials with staff members in specific course areas from Monday to Thursday. If students fail to complete their 8 hours, they lose the privilege in the follow week and must complete the Prep in a designated location and catch up the hours they missed in the previous week.

Last updated October 2023.

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