3.7 Boarder Leave
This section of the School Manual contains policies for the taking and approval of leave by boarding students under various circumstances,
including purpose, time, uniform requirements and the students colour level.
3.7.1 Approval and General Conditions of Leave
All leave for Boarders must be approved per the following procedure, which is based around REACH Leave Applications.
Leave Applications in Reach are submitted by parents for Years 7, 8 & 9 and approval is undertaken by authorised school staff.
Students in Years 10, 11 & 12 may submit their own leave applications in Reach, but these must be approved by a parent before review and approval by authorised school staff.
The Leave Coordinator on duty may permit leave once a valid and approved REACH Leave Application has been processed, and if:
- it does not interfere with normal schooling or other commitments that students have to the school (eg. sport or farm duties);
- students are on an appropriate colour level;
- it is for a special, community or personal reasons;
- they are being transported to and from the school by a responsible adult who has at least a Green (P2) licence and may transport only one passenger or sibling passengers (for students, refer to Permission to Drive).
- Students cannot be transported by a person on Red P (P1) licence, unless the student is the brother/sister of the person undertaking the transport. Refer to Permission to Drive as well.
The Leave Coordinator will discuss any requests for emergency leave with the Principal or Executive on Call, who may approve without following the above process.
Note: To help with the settling in and adjustment process, it is requested that parents of Year 7 boys (and other new students) limit their son’s leave in the first term. In general there will be no leave granted for Year 7 until after the first leave weekend.
3.7.2 Signing In & Out
Parents or Hosts must be present with the Student when they are signed out of the school.
All adults, including parents and hosts, who are granted permission to take students out, assume full responsibility for the student's care and wellbeing from the time of signing out until he is signed back in.
All students going on leave during the week on the day-boy buses must check for leave applications and sign out on the day of leave, but not before lunch to ensure they have enough time to board the bus.
3.7.3 Uniform/Dress Code
The dress code for boarders taking leave is as documented in Uniforms for Boarders on Leave policy.
3.7.4 Weekend Leave
The process and conditions for leave on weekends are documented in the weekend leave policy.
3.7.5 Weekday Leave
The process and conditions for overnight, town, host, night or approved activity leave on weekdays are documented in the weekday leave policy.
3.7.6 Mandatory Leave
Leave is mandatory for School Holidays periods and Leave Weekends.
There will be at least one compulsory leave weekend each term, which will be arranged so that most students can spend an entire weekend at
home. Normally these weekends will enable students to travel on the Thursday after school or Friday and return in time for the commencement
of lessons on the Tuesday. Late evening meals are available on the day of return. Students depart from school on Friday morning and hence
do not attend lessons.
Students returning to school from leave weekends or holidays using private transport are reminded that the school does not open until 3:00pm and that they should register their return at the duty office prior to entering dormitories.
3.7.7 Travel Arrangements
As long as Parents/Carers have obtained a free Rail Boarders Pass, as advised on our Transport page, bookings are automatically made for travel home for boarders for all leave weekends and vacations.
Should you wish to vary these arrangements for any leave weekend or vacation, please advise the Leave Coordinator of a change to normal leave arrangements by REACH Leave Application, no less than two (2) weeks in advance.
If a booking to another location is required, a REACH Leave application is to be submitted at least four (4) weeks in advance (a Transport NSW requirement) to enable the booking to be made.
Note that late changes incur a $20 surcharge, which will be invoiced to parents.
3.7.8 Weekday Approved Activities Leave
Students may apply for leave for an Approved Weekday or Weekend Activity in cases where they wish to undertake an activity not offered
at school.
Traditionally this has included music lessons, TAFE (clothes appropriate to the course), tutoring, Army Cadets (Cadet uniform), casual
work (work uniform) and a variety of sports (sports uniform or team uniform).
A REACH leave application needs to be submitted and approved. Students must be mindful not to over commit themselves. In general, Students
will only be permitted to miss one night of Prep in any given week. Transport may be provided by the school if it can be managed in the
school’s transport schedule. These are the only REACH applications which can be recurring.
3.7.9 Other Activities
Students requesting to be involved with an activity outside the school but which is already offered at Farrer, may reasonably expect the request to be denied. However, if approved, students must make alternative transport arrangements. Students are still to seek leave from the Duty Master of the day on each occasion that they are involved in the activity.
Last updated Jan 2025.