Form Bank

The forms below are provided for the convenience of parents/carers, members of the public and students to easily submit forms electronically any day at any time. The forms will be automatically directed to the appropriate staff.

For travel-related forms, see Transport.

Over coming months all public/parent forms will be available on this page. Forms are in sections below for Parent/Student Forms, Public Forms, and Enrolment Forms. You will receive an acknowledgment with a copy of any form you submit.

Forms, and Responses, are also available on the School Bytes Parent Portal.

Canteen Volunteers P.18  To Volunteer at the School Canteen. See School Canteen for details.
Change of Contact Details P.01 Use this form to update Contact details for Parents & Students.
Change of Details - Emergency Contact P.14 Use this form to update Emergency Contact details
Fee Payment Plan Application P.09 Use this form to request a payment plan for school fees
Myall Magazine - Order Form P.37 Complete this form to order the Myall School Magazine
Myall Magazine Feedback P.36 Use this form to provide feedback about the Myall Magazine
Permission to Publish P.02 Use this form to update Permission to Publish
Student Absentee Note P.26 Submit this form to advise the school of your son's absence. For planned extended periods of leave, use form P.24
Student Account Refund Application P.07 Use this form to apply for a refund
Student Application for Extended Leave P.24 Use this form to apply for planned extended leave from school for 5 days or more.
Student Digital Device Agreement S.01 Students to complete to confirm their understanding of the Digital Devices policy. Parent/Carers to complete form P.50
Student Digital Device Agreement - Parent Acknowledgment P.50 Required from Parents/Carers when student has submitted form S.01
Student Digital Device Exemption Request P.54 For parents to request an exemption to the digital device policy for a limited number of reasons.
Student Friday Sport Exemption - Day Students P.08

Use to exempt a Day student from Friday Sport.
To exempt a student from PE, use Student PE Exemption - Day Student (P.63). 

Student PE Exemption - Day Students

P.63 Use to exempt a Day Student from PE. To exempt a student from Friday Sport, use Student Friday Sport Exemption - Day Students (P.08)
Student Leaving Notification P.03 For parents to notify the school of a student intending to leave. This form is not necessary for students finishing in Year 12.
Student Medicare Details P.65 Use this form to advise or update your Medicare card details, which are required if your son needs medical assistance, to attend doctors appointments, an ambulance or hospital admission.
Student Medication forms
Student Medication forms are in the Enrolment Related forms section below.
Student Swimming Ability Declaration & Permission Note P.19 To update the school for any changes to a students swimming ability.
Student Application for Permission to Drive S.05 Student to first discuss with their Deputy Principal and if eligible, they will be provided with this form to complete for permission to drive to/from School. Their Parent/Carer will be provided with form P.22 to complete.
Parent Permission for Student to Drive P.22 Required from Parents when student has submitted form S.05 (see above)
Student School Reference Information S.02 For leaving students to complete if a School Reference is required.
Student Special Religious Education Participation P.20 To add or remove consent for participation in Special Religious Education.
Uniforms - Used items for Clothing Pool P.06 Use this form to send good quality used uniforms to the Clothing Pool for resale. See Uniform Shop for details.
Student Enrolments Enquiry P.16 Complete to make an enquiry about enrolment at the school.
Student Enrolments - Book a Tour P.15 Complete to book a tour of the school for prospective parents and students.
Student Medical Information P.11 To be completed for all new enrolments
Student Excursion Medication Authority

Visiting Student Medication Administration Authority

Completing this form will authorise staff at Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School to administer over-the-counter (OTC) or prescribed medications as nominated for a student participating in an Excursion. For visiting students, use form P.48 

For use by visiting students on Orientation Day, Experience Day, Open Day or other events.
Student Medical Practitioners Report P.13 To be completed for new enrolments for Boarding Students Only. Can be completed online by the Medical Practitioner or a hard copy downloaded here.
Student Prescribed Medication Administration Authority P.12 To be completed for Boarding Students when the administration of prescribed medications is required. To cancel this authority, use form P.64 below.
Student Prescribed Medication Cessation Authority P.64 Use this form to cancel an existing Student Prescribed Medication Authority (P.12)
PUBLIC FORMS Number Description
Employment Enquiry E.20 To enquire about employment opportunities at Farrer. See also Work at Farrer
Farrer Old Boys Association Membership Application

Students (current and former) can use this form to join the Farrer Old Boys Association.
Feedback Form P.17 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School values your feedback as an important component of our continuous improvement processes. It allows us to understand what is working well and what areas we can improve in.  Working together with you for the best outcome for our students is our primary goal.
Hire of Facilities Enquiry P.04  Use this form to enquire about and request a quote for hire of the schools facilities including rooms, sporting fields, accommodation & catering services.
Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Application & Informed Consent
Required, along with a valid WWCC, for child-related workers.
Note this form is to be printed and completed by hand.
WWCC - Declaration for Child-Related Workers
A child-related worker is a person whose work involves direct contact with a child or children, and whose contact is a usual part of and more than incidental to the work. This includes (but is not limited to) people who work in child development, child protection, children’s health services, early education and childcare, education, entertainment for children, religious services, transport services (specifically for children). These workers do require a Working With Children Check
WWCC – Declaration for Non-Child-Related Workers

To be completed by contractors not working directly with children, such as Plumber, Electricians, Equipment installers, Food vendors/trucks (paid), Internet/NBN maintenance, Landscapers, Photographers, Videographers. Canteen Volunteers should complete this form. These workers do not require a Working With Children Check.

Non-child-related work is work that does not ordinarily involve contact with children for extended periods of time, and where contact with children is not a usual part of, and only incidental to, the work.

WWCC – Declaration for Contractors with Workers in Child-Related Roles

Where a company or organisation has been engaged by the department or a school to provide child-related work, it is the company/organisation’s responsibility to ensure its workers have met the relevant requirements. This covers:

  • Paid workers of the company/organisation
  • Unpaid workers/volunteers of the company/organisation
  • Any person sub-contracted by the company or organisation to complete the work

These workers do require a Working With Children Check. However, these checks are managed by the employer.