9. School Manual: Uniform Policy

Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School manages uniforms in accordance with the applicable NSW Department of Education School Uniform policies. Local procedures listed below also apply.

9.1 Overview

Farrer has a strong tradition of students wearing their correct school uniform with pride. The Farrer Uniform Policy is supported by the School Council, PT&F, Old Boys' Assoc and the Prefect body. Uniform items may be purchased via the Uniform Shop.

There are three uniforms:

  • Winter & Formal Uniform (Greys) - White shirt, grey pants, tie, plain black belt with black school shoes or plain brown belt with brown riding boots & grey socks.
  • Summer Uniform (Khakis) - Khaki shirt, khaki shorts, tie, long khaki socks with black school shoes or brown riding boots.
  • Sports Uniform - Farrer sports shirt, black Farrer sports shorts (not football shorts), Farrer sports tracksuit, short Farrer sport socks, sport joggers (with laces, not skate shoes).

9.2 Uniform Requirements for a normal school day

  • Student uniforms should be clean and tidy at all times. The tie needs to be done up correctly.
  • Shoes must be black shiny leather school shoes with laces OR shiny brown leather elastic sided riding/dress boots (eg RMs). These shoes must be made of shiny leather that can be polished. Any other form of shoe or boot is not approved uniform.
  • Shirt sleeves buttoned at the wrist or rolled to the elbow.
  • Farrer Akubra Hat to be worn with Greys for formal occasions and Saturday town leave. The Farrer Bucket Hat or Farrer Cap is to be worn for sun protection during the school day.
  • Farrer Blazer, Soft Shell Jacket or Wool Jumper can be worn with Greys and Khakis. Jumpers are to be worn under a sports tracksuit top on sports days.
  • Students are required to be in school uniform at all times during the school day except when they are attending TAFE or advised by a staff member of the appropriate dress/uniform for class excursions, farm duties or sporting activities.
  • For Formal Assemblies, or other special occasions (eg Anzac Day) the whole school are to wear their Grey’s and Akubra hat.

9.3 Sport and PE

For Sport and PE, students are to wear;

  • Farrer sport T-shirt or house shirt, black silkies with Farrer logo, Farrer sports socks and joggers.
  • Farrer tracksuit (if appropriate) 
  • Farrer cap or Farrer bucket hat (no other headwear is acceptable).
  • Students are to change in the gymnasium change rooms only.

The approved Sport uniform applies to Friday sport, and all students travelling to sporting fixtures. The only exceptions will be Farrer representative teams who may travel in specially approved team uniforms. The team coach will advise if this is the case.

9.4 Headwear

An Akubra, Farrer Cap or Farrer Bucket Hat can be worn with the khaki or Greys uniform within the school campus.

On formal occasions when students are dressed in their Greys, they can only wear the Akubra.

When Boarders go on leave in Greys they cannot wear the cap or bucket hat but must wear the Akubra, with the exception of the leave weekend or end/start of term when no hat is required.

9.5 Personal Presentation

Good personal presentation is considered an important part of being a Farrer student. Therefore, students;

  • are not to have extreme, long or unacceptable haircuts (eg coloured hair, bleached hair, plaits, pony tails etc). Students who breach this will face consequences such as being unable to participate in extracurricular activities, sporting events, or be denied leave. The school will determine acceptability standards,
  • are not to wear earrings, studs or other inappropriate jewellery whilst in school uniform, whether that be at Farrer, or while attending any Farrer functions or excursion,
  • will be clean-shaven at all times,
  • will not wear clothing with inappropriate, rude or offensive slogans or images whilst attending Farrer, nor while attending any Farrer function, activity or excursion.

9.6 Labelling/Marking of Clothing

Students clothing is to be marked with a permanent laundry marker or a nametag (must be sewn on securely - not ironed on).

  • all shirts, T-shirts, singlets, jumpers etc. should be clearly marked on the inside neck.
  • all trousers, jeans, shorts & pants should be marked on the inside of the waistband, near the centre back.
  • all long socks should be marked on the inside top.
  • sheets to be marked at both ends, at one corner
  • pillow slips to be marked on outside, top corner.
  • sock/underwear bag should be clearly marked.

9.7 Boarding Student Attire for Leave

Uniforms rules for Boarders travel to/from leave.

9.8 Uniform Requirements

Recommended uniform requirements/quantities.

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Last reviewed June 2023.
Ratified by;
Farrer PT&F on 23 Oct 2023
School Council on 27 Oct 2023.