The Farrer Library is an inclusive recreational and learning environment that students can access from 8:00am until 9:00pm during the week and afternoons on the weekend.
The library at Farrer performs a variety of functions within the school. We have deliberately designed the space to work as a Flexible Learning Environment with generosity from the Farrer PT&F Association donating towards the cost of the furniture for this initiative. The space allows for a variety of teaching methods that can be paired with specific classroom configurations to encourage improved student interaction and performance. Our Theatre Classroom is the centrepiece of this new learning environment. The librarian has also been involved in collaborative teaching with staff in this space with the view of improving student outcomes.
Much time and care has been taken in choosing the reading material in the library, with a focus on literature that appeals to teenage
boys’ interests. To further encourage reading within our students, the library also hosts several challenges for the students including
the Premiers Reading Challenge, the Literati Cup and Book Week activities. Board games and puzzles are also offered when students would
like to ‘chillax’ during or after a busy day.