VEX robotics "Rapid Relay"
In the new season of VEX robotics "Rapid Relay," five teams from Farrer competed against some of the top teams in Australia. This
competition is similar to basketball, where robots earn points by passing the ball and scoring goals. Two robots collaborate to make passes
and score goals, with passes being more valuable than goals.
The Farrer teams faced tough competition at this event, including Creator Academy from Sydney, who had previously won awards in their
division at the World Championships in May. Additionally, they went up against the best teams from the Innovation Studio of the Tamworth
Regional Library.
After 32 matches, four Farrer teams qualified for the finals but unfortunately were unable to defeat their formidable opponents. However,
Team 2340D received recognition from the judges and was awarded the Innovate Award for their robot.
We would like to thank Creator Academy and the students from Innovation Studio who assisted the Farrer teams with their robots. We would
also like to thank the Year 9 and 11 students who organised and ran the competition, Mrs. Milne and Nick Brady for their judging, and Mr.
Vigar for his organisation.