lets celebrate Public Education Week
This week, we celebrate Public Education Week and honour the achievements of public schools, staff, and students across NSW! Each year, Farrer celebrates this week with our very special Public Education Awards:
Outstanding Student Achievement Award - Jack Marshall
Jack has excelled in representative hockey at both state and national levels. Selected for the Australian U16s team in 2023 and the NSW
All School Team this year, he leads the Farrer First XI hockey team with remarkable leadership and sportsmanship.
Outstanding Contribution to the School by a Member of the School Community - Mr. Peter Holmes
Peter has been a mentor, coach, and coordinator for the Farrer Clay Target Shooting team for over a decade. His dedication and immense
service are deeply appreciated by students, parents, and staff.
Outstanding Contribution to the School by a Staff Member - Mr. John McAdam
With 34 years in public education, including 24 years as Head Teacher Science at Farrer, John has been a long-term Teachers Federation
Representative, teacher in charge of timetable construction, coach of the First XI Hockey team, and has made a significant contribution to
Let's celebrate their outstanding achievements and contributions together!