Food And Fibre Day
Food and Fibre Day at Farrer once again saw a huge amount of primary school students (mainly years 3 and 4) to come and learn about the different sectors of Agriculture and where everything comes from!
A paddock to plate experience with hands on learning all day. The students got to see the FarmBot in action with Mr Redman, collect the eggs and learn about poultry with Mrs Gamble, saw first class shearing with Mr Smith, talk everything cattle with Mrs Evans, learn about seeds and their uses with Mr Garnsey and make butter and milkshakes with Mr Peeters.
Many local primary school students attended, leaving the day with huge smiles and full bellies. An excellent way to get the next generation’s interest kickstarted in Agriculture.
Many thanks to everyone who attended, the farm staff for their time and expertise, our year 10 volunteers who did an excellent job all day, the Farrer Agriculture teaching staff and of course the Refectory staff who went above and beyond.
Farrer Ag Staff.