Agricultural Studies

The study of Agricultural Technology develops students’ knowledge and understanding about a range of agricultural practices. It promotes the ability to respond to human needs and emerging opportunities. Students develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the management of plant and animal enterprises and the technologies associated with these enterprises. Agriculture encourages students to develop skills in order to solve problems, plan, organise and conduct scientific investigations, research, collect and organise information, work as a member of a team and communicate information to a variety of audiences. Students are expected to make  responsible decisions about the appropriate use of current and emerging agricultural technologies.

The faculty mission statement

Farrer is Australia’s only selective boys Agricultural High School and is considered the best secondary agricultural training institution in the country. The faculty's mission is ‘to produce proactive and informed students who excel in the field of Agriculture, are work ready and possess the required foundation skills and knowledge to contribute positively to the global Agricultural Industry’

Agriculture is a compulsory subject for all students in Years 7 to 10 at Farrer and is offered as an elective subject for Years 11 and 12. All students are able to utilise all the onsite enterprises and resources, except for tractor usage due to age restrictions. Students studying Stages 4 and 5 agriculture, can expect to be involved in a variety of enterprises and hands-on activities.

Years 7 to 10

  • Technology Mandatory: Focuses on a project based approach to investigate the variety of agricultural enterprises on both a local and global scale. Students investigate a number of enterprises in a paddock to plate based scenario creating their own hamburger. 
  • Agricultural Technology: Students investigate the myriad of factors that impact food and fibre production utilising the range of enterprises and technologies available at Farrer. Students can expect to learn about a range of both animal and plant based enterprises including dairy, wool and meat sheep, chickens, beef, vegetable production, cropping, tractor operation and new and emerging technologies to name a few.
  • Animal Science:  Year 9 & 10 elective which focuses on the running of both meat and fibre sheep enterprises. 

Years 11 and 12

  • Primary Industries Certificate III Agriculture (Beef Production - Years 11 and 12 (AQF III))
  • Primary Industries Certificate II Agriculture (Core - Years 11 and 12 (AQFII)) 

The Agricultural Studies faculty offers extensive extracurricular programs:

Judging and Showing

Training for the following may occur once or twice per week depending on the school term. Approx 85 students are involved in these programs. Pig judging, Prime lambs, Fleece judging, Dairy Steer / Heifer show team.

Farm Duties

Students from each year level are involved in a range of farm duties on a daily basis. These include; Year 7 Dairy Calf Rearing and Egg Production, Year 8 Sheep Feedlot, Year 9 Dairy and Year 10 Pigs. Students from each specific year level are responsible for the animal husbandry aspects of each enterprise. Most duties occur during lunchtime with others occurring before and after school. 

Calving, lambing, and breeding programs

Students are involved in both the calving, lambing and breeding programs of the beef and sheep enterprises on the farm. 

Year 11 and 12 Beef students are rostered onto AI programs, ET programs and other programs throughout the year.

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