Martin Peeters

Head Teacher Agriculture

Martin Peeters

Bachelor of Natural Resources
Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning
Graduate Diploma in Education
Certificate II, III and IV in Agriculture (Primary Industries)

Martin has been a teacher for 25 Years after having worked in the agricultural industry upon exiting University. He has taught Agriculture, Science and Geography across three states, (Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales), in large comprehensive high schools. 

Having arrived at Farrer in 2001 Martin has taken on the role as a resident, year advisor and was appointed Head Teacher of Agriculture in 2016. He has been involved in a variety of agricultural enterprises such as the Horticulture Centre, Dairy Manager, Dairy show team,  Pig Show Team, Steer show team and Angus manager. He is currently the schools VET coordinator and in charge of the schools school based traineeships (SBAT’s). Martin has been involved in a variety of upgrades to the school's agricultural facilities and actively seeks out industry and community partnerships to improve the students' learning experience. 

Martin’s main educational focus is the development of a range of agricultural and life skills in all students in order to enhance their ability to gain employment at whichever stage they decide to exit school. This includes the development of problem-solving, literacy and numeracy skills, practical skills including the use of technologies and the social skills to work effectively in the industry. 

Engagement in the school's extracurricular activities is also paramount to Martin. He has been involved in numerous activities over the years and currently assists with the coaching of basketball and dairy show teams. Martin is involved in the school's residential duty and has been a duty master for over 10 years. 

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