2. School Manual: Behaviour, Discipline & Wellbeing

With the ultimate goal of ensuring the health and wellbeing of all members of the Farrer school community, Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School manages behavioural and disciplinary matters in accordance with the applicable NSW Department of Education policies.
Local procedures are listed below and within the following related policies;

2.10 Colour Level System
2.11 Anti-Bullying
2.12 Anti-Racism
2.13 Smoking & Vaping
2.14 Drug-related Incidences

For Prevention see below as well as Student Wellbeing and for consequences see;
2.20 Suspension & Expulsion
2.21 Strategies to Promote Good Discipline
2.22 Unacceptable Behaviour Procedures

2.0 Preamble

At Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School, we strive to promote and actively embrace the concept of the “Farrer Family”. The Farrer Family symbolises the shared responsibility and active involvement of the whole school community in building and maintaining a quality home and school for our students.

Student wellbeing is seen as a responsibility of the whole school community. A well organised and managed School Wellbeing and Discipline Policy that is comprehensive and cooperatively determined and has the support and commitment of staff, parents, students and the community will create an environment in which effective teaching and learning can take place and a climate in which all students can experience a sense of identity, security, purpose, achievement and support.

The Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School wellbeing and discipline policy fosters engagement in learning, sets clear limits, recognises appropriate behaviour and applies consequences for inappropriate behaviour. The policy reflects our school’s values and is written in accordance with the agreed enrolment expectations stated in the School Manual and the Core Rules for students in NSW government schools.

2.1 The Farrer Code - Our Values

We believe that:

Respect is gained through good example and service, which should be reflected in the actions of teachers, prefects, students and the school community. We are accountable for our actions, and we accept the right of others to hold different or opposing views. We accept lawful and just authority and embrace diversity.

Excellence is the goal for all those who strive and persist in any field of endeavour. We aim for the highest personal achievement in all aspects of schooling and individual and community action.

Fairness is being committed to the principles of social justice and opposing prejudice, dishonesty and injustice. We are trustworthy and care for the wellbeing of others. We work cooperatively and engage in peaceful resolution of conflict.

Pride in ourselves, in others and in our school is a sign of our wellbeing and our sense of belonging.

Privileges have to be earned. They come from responsible actions and wholehearted commitment.

2.2 Core Rules for Students in NSW Government Schools

Students in NSW government schools are provided with a high quality education so that they may learn to the best of their ability and become self-disciplined, tolerant, enterprising and contributing members of the school and community.

Core rules for student behaviour have been developed to establish consistent expectations in all government schools in support of these aims.

The critical role of parents and caregivers is recognised as the primary influence on each child’s character and behaviour and as essential partners in supporting the core rules and the successful education of their children.

All students in NSW are expected to:

  • Attend every school day, unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time and prepared to learn.
  • Maintain a neat appearance, including adhering to the requirements of the school’s uniform and dress code policy.
  • Behave safely, considerately and responsibly, including when travelling to and from school.
  • Show respect at all times for teachers, other school staff and helpers, including following class rules, speaking courteously and cooperating with instructions and learning activities.
  • Treat one another with dignity and respect.
  • Care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.

2.3 Unacceptable Behaviour

Examples of unacceptable behaviour include, but are not limited to, the following;

  •  Interfering with the rights and education of others;
  •  Bullying, abuse and victimisation;
  •  Using mobile phones during class or prep time, and after lights out;
  •  Stealing;
  •  Vandalism of school or other person’s property;
  •  Smoking, alcohol or other drug abuse;
  •  Possessing weapons or knives of any type
  •  Truanting;
  •  Using inappropriate language;
  •  Lying;
  •  Animal cruelty;
  •  Defiance and non-compliance to teacher’s requests;
  •  Cheating;
  •  Any action at school functions, such as socials, sporting and cultural events and excursions, that would prejudice the good name of Farrer;
  •  Disrespect towards others;
  •  Being out of bounds;
  •  Failing to abide by leave conditions;
  •  Consistent neglect of schoolwork and dishonouring other commitments;
  •  Disregard for the laws of society;
  •  Discrimination.

The consequences of unacceptable behaviour are specified in the Unacceptable Behaviour Procedures.

2.4 Expected Behaviour

To ensure a safe and positive environment in the school, it is essential that students, teachers and parents value and uphold accepted standards of behaviour in an environment of mutual respect. Whilst students must appreciate the needs of other students and staff, they also have the right to expect courtesy, fairness and respect from others. Expected behaviour is;

2.4.1 Within the Classroom

  • be punctual and prepared for all lessons;
  • keep rooms clean and tidy;
  • treat furniture and equipment with care;
  • adhere to the expected standards of behaviour set by the classroom teacher;
  • respect the rights of other students within the classroom;
  • complete all set work at an acceptable standard.

2.4.2 In the Playground

  • act in a manner that ensures the safety of all members of the school community;
  • adhere to the requests of all staff and others in authority;
  • respect the rights of other students in the playground;
  • remain within the designated boundaries of the playground;
  • be responsible for keeping the school grounds tidy.

2.4.3 On Excursions/Sporting Activities/Out of School Events

  • adhere to the standards of dress determined by the excursion organiser;
  • act in a manner that maintains the good reputation of the school;
  • adhere to the requests of all staff and others in authority;
  • respect the rights of the other students and the public.

2.4.4 In the Dormitories

  • adhere to the requests of the staff and prefects;
  • keep rooms tidy and clean;
  • treat furniture and equipment with care;
  • be punctual and be where you have permission to be;
  • respect the rights and property of other boarders.

2.4.5 In General

  • attend school punctually and regularly;
  • be polite, caring and cooperative to staff and fellow students and practice peaceful resolution of conflict;
  • contribute to the provision of a caring, safe environment for fellow students, staff and parents;
  • complete all set homework and assignments to an acceptable standard;
  • adhere to the set standard of dress determined by the school community;
  • adhere to an acceptable standard of behaviour at and when travelling to and from school;
  • keep the school tidy and clean and care for all furniture, equipment and facilities;
  • be a worthy member of the school community and doing your utmost to promote the school’s good image;
  • not use or be in possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco or weapons.

2.5 Rights of Members of the Farrer Family

2.5.1 Students should be able to;

  • receive a full and comprehensive education, excellence in teaching and an honest assessment of their efforts;
  • feel safe, secure and happy;
  • have their property respected;
  • be treated with respect, fairness and politeness by teachers, other staff and students;
  • discuss problems and difficulties in an agreeable and polite manner with teachers;
  • be consulted on matters relating to their education and welfare;
  • have a clean, pleasant environment;
  • represent the school and be proud of it;
  • use the facilities and resources that have been provided in accordance with the set rules;
  • enjoy the benefits of attending Farrer.

2.5.2 Teachers should be able to;

  • expect co-operation both in and out of the classroom;
  • be treated with politeness and respect;
  • expect students to be on time and bring the correct equipment;
  • expect care of furniture and equipment throughout the school;
  • discipline uncooperative students appropriately;
  • be supported in establishing career paths and to be consulted on matters relating to the school direction, policy and procedures;
  • discuss matters of concern professionally with supervisors;
  • access relevant training and development programs.

2.5.3 Non-Teaching staff should be able to;

  • work in a clean, safe and happy environment;
  • be treated with courtesy and respect by students, teachers and other staff members;
  • be consulted on matters relating to school direction, policy and procedures;
  • be supported in establishing career paths and to be consulted on matters relating to their welfare;
  • access relevant training and development programs;
  • discuss matters of concern in a cooperative manner with your supervisors or duty masters;

2.5.4 Parents should be able to;

  • expect every care and concern will be given to your child;
  • be acknowledged as a partner in your son’s education;
  • be assisted in gaining access to support services in the community;
  • be encouraged to participate actively in the education of young people and in the life of the school.

2.6 Responsibilities of Members of the Farrer Family

2.6.1 The Principal will ensure that:

  • A commitment to student welfare underpins all the policies and activities of the school.
  • The school community reviews policies and practices related to student welfare.
  • Student welfare is regularly reviewed using appropriate planning processes.
  • The school welfare and discipline policy and its implementation are regularly reviewed.
  • The review processes take into account all mandatory policies.
  • Strategic issues identified in reviews are incorporated into the school plan.
  • Students, staff and parents are assisted to develop strategies for addressing student welfare and discipline needs in all the activities of the school.

2.6.2 Staff, according to their role in the school, will:

  • Ensure that they are familiar with the school welfare and discipline policy.
  • Contribute to the provision of a caring, well-managed, safe environment for all students, fellow staff and parents.
  • Participate in the learning and teaching process to ensure equity, excellence and respect for the individual.
  • Ensure that the school develops effective mechanisms for integrating behaviour management, conflict resolution and support for students experiencing difficulties.

2.6.3 Students will be encouraged to:

  • Act according to the school welfare and discipline policy 
  • Contribute to the provision of caring, safe environment for fellow students, staff and parents.
  • Participate actively in the learning and teaching process.
  • Provide their views on school community decisions, including reviews of student welfare, using agreed processes.
  • Give positive support and encouragement to other students and staff, to respect their individual rights and to be polite, caring and cooperative.
  • Be proud of our school, its heritage and uniform by demonstrating a positive commitment to work, sport, social obligations and the Farrer Code.

2.6.4 Parents will be encouraged to:

  • Participate in the learning of their children and the life of the school, including reviews of student welfare and the discipline policy.
  • Share responsibility for shaping their children’s understanding about acceptable behaviour.
  • Work with teachers to establish fair and reasonable expectations of the school
  • Accept that day students and boarders must be treated equally in applying the welfare and discipline policy.

Last updated October 2023

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